Thursday 4 May 2017

Common problems faced by upcoming websites

Never expect to launch a website today and start getting massive loads of traffic automatically. No matter what your site is all about, what it can do or offer, you must invest time and effort to make it generally acceptable by people and thus gain traffic. Here are common problems encountered by new websites:

Firstly, new websites are faced with the problem of popularity. No short cut about! You must use other already popular websites to popularize your website. Facebook for instance made use of yahoo to gain popularity. I remembered that I was compelled to sign up for Facebook through yahoo. Most successful websites today used Google, Facebook etc to become visible and discoverable online. Therefore, you must do likewise if your site must be popular.

Secondly, new websites are faced with the issue of being indexed by Google and Bing webmaster. For your site to appear on Google and Bing searches, it must first and foremost be indexed by them. Make that effort to get your site indexed by Google and Bing, otherwise, your site would be regarded as not being SEO friendly. For Google you must have a Gmail account and For Bing you must have an Outlook(Hotmail) account. Appearing on Google and Bing search engines can drive tremendous traffic to your website.

Thirdly, there is the problem of competition with other websites that offer similar services as your website. No matter what your site can do or offer, there are sites out there that can do three times better. To stand out, you need to go the extra miles to outshine your competitors. This can be achieved by improving the general appearance of your site, using a supper fast server that aids fast loading of your site, joining groups and forums which brings about cordial relationship with other site owners, writing good and powerful contents, if you run your site as a blog, proffer easy solutions to problems and ensuring that your site is fun filled.

It gladdens my heart whenever I am permitted to share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.    

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Crude oil is not forever

Just as water in a well can dry up with time, also, oil wells in the country can dry up. Nobody ever believed that one day prices of crude oil would crash drastically to the extent of plunging the country’s economy into recession.
Now we are in recession, what if crude oil dries up? Then we would enter starvation. It is better to start planning ahead rather than wait for it to happen before taken necessary action. Changes in weather conditions can affect anything on planet earth. Oil wells are no exceptions. Recall how changes in weather conditions brought about an earthquake under the ocean called tsunami, so also it can cause oil wells to dry up.
Although, nobody prays for oil wells in the country to dry up. However, a word is enough for the wise. Let us start now to plan for the unknown before it catches up with us. Moreover, this economic recession has really thought us a lesson never to depend on crude oil only. More so why the government of the day is doing everything humanly possible to diversify the economy by focusing on other areas that can equally yield foreign exchange for the country. Some areas that the government is beaming its searchlight are Agriculture and solid mineral exploration.  
Nigeria is regarded as an agrarian nation. But we abandoned agriculture for oil. Now, we are forced to go back to it. The fadama rice farming project has commenced, groundnut pyramids are coming back, livestock, fish farming and  animal husbandries are spring up in every nook and cranny of the country.
Nigeria is blessed with so many solid minerals. In fact, solid minerals are scattered across the six geopolitical zones of the country. Coal can be found in Enugu, iron ore in Nassarawa, Gold in Osun, tin in Jos plateau, salt in Nassarawa, limestone in Nkalagwu etc.  

It gladdens my heart whenever I am permitted to share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.    

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Only originalty can take you to the next level in blogging

This is one mistake I see many newbie bloggers make. Mind you, your blog cannot go far if you continue to indulge in copy write activities. Yes, news or information are not meant for just one person. Therefore, if you must post the same news or information that can found in another blogger's blog, you must ensure that you are presenting it strictly in your own words. No verbative copying, please!
Blogs that indulge in copy write activities find it very difficult getting approval from adsense and other 3rd party ad networks because copy write infringement is strictly against their policy.
So, therefore, make that effort to be original in your contents. Never follow the crowd. Go into that niche you have firm knowledge about and create powerful contents around it with ease. You are happier and more fulfilled when your posts are purely your handwork.
See: When choosing a niche for your blog

Above all, put your imaginative and creative skills into action by writing unique contents. And don't forget, be patient, consistent and never give up.
See also: Blogging is all about patience and consistency

The pleasure is my whenever am permitted to share my surface, minute and faint knowledge of ICT with the rest of the world.It also gladdens my heart whenever I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.          

Monday 1 May 2017

Technical hitches subscribers suffer from telecommunications operators in Nigeria

Here is a quick run down of 15 poorly delivered services that Nigerians suffer in the hands of telecommunications companies operating in the country. They are:
1. Drop calls

2. Poor audio quality

3. Uncompleted calls

4. Undelivered messages

5. Slow internet connection

6. Unsolicited text messages

7. Inability to upgrade their network to 4G/LTE network

8. Low data penetration

9. Under-declared revenue and profit

10. Extortion of subscribers

11. Outrageous data and call tariff plans

12. Silent calls

13. Foreign employees preference

14. Dead calls

15. Disengagement of Nigerian tax paying employees

The pleasure is my whenever am permitted to share my surface, minute and faint knowledge of ICT with the rest of the world.It also gladdens my heart whenever I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.         

Sunday 30 April 2017

Is multiple phones and networks advisable?

Most Nigerians are not comfortable with just one mobile phone and network. Most especially those in the business arena where their mobile phones form an integral part of their day to day business. Just a phone call can catapult a business man into millions. So you can imagine if he had just one mobile phone and just one network with no network coverage at that point in time. He would have lost millions! So, in order not to fall victim to poor service delivery of a particular telecommunications operator, most Nigerians go for back up phones and networks so that they are connected to the world at all times.
But is it really appropriate? Well, the answer is NO! No because something is fundamentally wrong with our telecommunications industry in Nigeria. In advance countries you are just fine with one phone, one network! I remember my encounter with a white man who was visiting Nigeria for the first time. The first thing he noticed about us was that everybody had two or more phones. This was so strange to him that he could not hold back his amazement. He called me and asked. Femi, why is everyone in Nigeria holding two phones? "It is crazy men! In Dubai you are just okay with one." That got me thinking. So holding two phones is an abnormal situation. Unh? But here in Nigeria we can't help it. Having multiple phones and networks, apart from network hitches, is a thing of class. The number of sophisticated phones you possess puts you in a particular kind class.
Possessing more than one phone and network is an abnormal situation, but the Nigerian factor compels us into such..
Everything still boils down to the status of our telecommunications industry in Nigeria. A lot still need to be done by our telecoms operators to meet up with international standard. They must attend to infrastructural upgrade with all sense of sincerity. They must strive to provide smooth and hitch free services at all times. That is the only way there could be a decline in this abnormality.

The pleasure is my whenever am permitted to share my surface, minute and faint knowledge of ICT with the rest of the world.It also gladdens my heart whenever I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.        

Saturday 29 April 2017

Top 5 online markets in Nigeria

1. Konga @

2. Jumia @

3. Kaymu @

4. Jiji @

5. Efritin @

The pleasure is my whenever am permitted to share my surface, minute and faint knowledge of ICT with the rest of the world.It also gladdens my heart whenever I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.        

What you have and not using is what is slowing you down

It baffles me whenever youths of today say they are jobless. When there are lots of fallowing opportunities around them that they can convert to naira. They often complain that they do not have the needed resources to stand on their feet, most especially capital!
I let them know that what is slowing them down is not what they don't have but what they have and are not using. And everybody has something he can convert into a money spinner over time. It could be a talent, a skill, a knowledge, an idea, a proposal etc. Sometimes it could be the most absurd things like an abandon machine or tool in your compound, used clothes and shoes, kitchen equipment and utensils, computers and television set etc.
Search yourself and discover these things. They are lying fallow and begging you to turn your attention to them. Start an adventure with these things and take a risk on them. Remember, the worst risk in life is you not taking a risk! Don't expect that exploring these things would make you a millionaire overnight. It is a gradual process. Be consistent and don't give up!
For those youths that fancy working for others. Distinguish yourself by adding value to yourself. Enroll for skills acquisition programs, get certified by professional bodies like Microsoft, Cisco, ICAN, NIM etc. Then develop yourself to a level whereby you can provide solutions to specific problems. Before you know it, employers would be looking for you. 

The pleasure is my whenever am permitted to share my surface, minute and faint knowledge of ICT with the rest of the world.It also gladdens my heart whenever I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.