Friday 10 March 2017

Computer: The irreplaceable ICT device

Many devices that perform similar functions like the computer have been developed over the years. The likes of tablets, iphones, smartphones, ipads e.t.c  are competing favorably and threatening to give the computer a run for its money. But, one powerful and unique functionality of the computer that has made it unique, outstanding and unbeatable amongst them is its editing quality. Most of these devices cannot be used to edit documents especially scanned documents. They can only be used to view these documents.  Scanned documents come in various format like pdf, doc, jpeg, png e.t.c
Only computer can edit scanned documents as well as movie, music, video and picture files. Just this single function has made the computer a superior device to all other ICT devices in its category.

Also, computer remains the best device for typing. It gives room for improvement on speed and typing skill of the user. A good number of applications can also be installed in a computer to teach how to become a good typist. The likes of Mavis Beacon and others could be explored. It is only when you can type effectively on a computer that you can regard yourself as a typist. Other ICT devices like phones, tablets, ipad e.t.c though have keypads but cannot be used for effective and voluminous typing.

The computer also accept connections to a wide range of peripheral devices like printers, scanners, embossing machines, cameras, flash disk e.t.c. Communication is established by interfacing these devices with the computer aided by a software application. Other ICT devices can only accept connection to a few peripheral devices.

Lastly, ICT devices like smartphones, tablets, ipads e.t.c can be used for personal use only. While computer satisfies both personal and public usage. Computers can be used in offices, schools, market places, companies e.t.c accommodating a wide of users and handlers.

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