Thursday 2 March 2017

No longer push over careers

Yeah, gone are the days when parents restrict or discourage their children from venturing into certain professions or careers such as playing football, music or even acting. These professions have become one of the greatest money spinners in the world today. They have overtaken the likes of medicine, engineering or even law in terms revenue in flow.Today, you here that a certain footballer or musician is worth so-so and so million pounds or dollars. Same cannot be said of a doctor, lawyer or even engineer.
In those days when parents catch their children playing football or moving with a musical group, they are in for it. This is changing now. Parents are now re-orientating themselves that the world has changed a great deal and professions they regarded as for drop out in past are now the money spinners and you could combine these professions together with going to school.
Parents even now pay for studio sessions for the children’s song recording. Encouragement you say! Acting, football and musical academy are spring up all over, teaching these acts as well as formal education.

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