Wednesday, 12 April 2017

17 tested and confirmed ways of increasing traffic to your site/blog

A million page views to your site/blog is assured if you apply these 17 tested and confirmed methods of multiplying hits to your website/blog religiously. Here they are in quick succession:

1. Writing great and powerful contents: Content is king, they say! Writing good, educative and informative articles automatically attracts people to your site/blog. One of the major reasons people go online is for information. So if your site/blog is informative, definitely they will find you through search engines

2. Using Search Engine optimization (SEO) strategy: Understanding how SEO works can drive heavy traffic to your site. Every niche has keywords or phrases. So, take out time to discover keywords or phrases that rank higher in your niche. Making use of these keywords or phrases frequently gives your site Google's or bing's first page position

3. Using the various social media platforms like facebook, twitter, pinterest, linkedin, tag, instagram e.t.c to attract as many eyes as possible to your site/blog

4. Using Backlink/linkback system

5. Posting contents with different headlines: Your headlines are what people see first when they visit your site/blog. So, endeavor to create catchy headlines

6. Killer website/blog design: Yeah, the appearance of your site goes a long way to determine whether visitors would like to come back again and again.

7. Traffic purchase: Though not advisable but it works! A couple sites you could visit to purchase traffic include traffic dynamite, traffup, traffic swirl, traffic boost, traffic ape e.t.c 

8. Content listing also referred to as e-listing: Just listing points with no long explanations or illustrations can really drive traffic to your site/blog. Not everybody has the time to read long and time consuming articles.

9. Using Really Simple Syndication feed (RSS feed): Using RSS feed to add other people's post to your site/blog can drive traffic like mad to your site/blog

10.Writing contents that teach how to do something (The How Tutorials): In every endeavor of life, there are newbies. There will always be people who are willing to learn how to do one thing or the other. No matter how small or simple it is.

11 Using traffic generator software: Not advisable, but it works! Most especially if you seek adsense approval or in order not to get ban if you already have account, then to toil with this. 

12 Writing/posting ever green contents/posts i.e contents that stand the test of time and are relevant anytime.

13 Using Mailing list: Having a mailing list and sending your subscribers news letter regularly can really increase your traffic base. 

14.Relating with other writers in your niche through joining forums, groups and communities alike.

15 Do interviews: Conduct interviews with people whose daily activities are related to your site/blog. 

16 Be consistent and don't give up

17. Write evergreen contents: When you write articles that continue to be relevant to the world even as time goes by, it hits back on your traffic.

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