Friday 23 June 2017

Before choosing a niche for your blog

A lot of bloggers or would be bloggers make that mistake of referencing the successes recorded by other bloggers in a particular niche when trying to choose a niche for their blog. Forgetting the fact that what works for one person does not necessarily mean it will work for you or all. Thus, they go into a niche they have little or no knowledge about, just because they want to be like that person. Many a newbie bloggers even go into a niche because they heard that the niche is profitable. Along the line, they get stocked, entangled and nobody heard of their blog.
To be a successful blogger, you must be yourself. Search yourself deeply and identify what you are passionate about, naturally good at and have deep knowledge about. This is what keeps you going when the going gets tough. Never follow the crowd. Everybody has one thing or the other he is knowledgeable about. Blog about those things!
Being passionate about your niche helps you worry less about traffic or whether people are viewing your posts or not. It brings out the originality in you, it builds your confidence, aids consistency and makes blogging a less stressful career to handle. And before you know it, people start seeing you as an authority in that niche. This would invariably open doors for you, shooting you into lime light.

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