Monday 26 June 2017

Is having multiple phones and networks really necessary?

Most Nigerians are not comfortable with just one mobile phone and network. Most especially those in the business arena where their mobile phones form an integral part of their day to day business. Just a phone call can catapult a business man into millions. So you can imagine if he had just one mobile phone and just one network with no network coverage at that point in time. He would have lost millions! So, in order not to fall victim to poor service delivery of a particular telecoms operator, most Nigerians go for back up phones and networks so that they are connected to the world at all times.
But is it really appropriate? Well, the answer is NO! No because something is fundamentally wrong with our telecommunications system in Nigeria. In advance countries you are just fine with one phone, one network. I remember my encounter with a white man who was visiting Nigeria for the first time. The first thing he noticed about us was that everybody had two or more phones. This was so strange to him that he could not hold back his amazement. He called me and asked. Femi, why is everyone in Nigeria holding two phones? "It is crazy men! In Dubai you are just okay with one." That got me thinking. So holding two phones is an abnormal situation. Unh? But here in Nigeria we can't help it. Having multiple phones and networks, apart from network hitches, is a thing of class. The number of sophisticated phones you possess puts you in a particular kind class.
Possessing more than one phone and network is an abnormal situation, but the Nigerian factor compels us into such..
Everything still boils down to the status of our telecommunications industry in Nigeria. A lot still need to be done by our telecoms operators to meet up with international standard. They must attend to infrastructural upgrade with all sense of sincerity. They must strive to provide smooth and hitch free services at all times. That is the only way there could be a decline in this abnormality.

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