Thursday, 28 September 2017

A Good Education

Of the many factors essential to a nation’s chances for development, education is one of the most important. A saying has it that “The rise or fall of a nation is the doing of its people”. In other words, the deciding factor is, in most cases the people rather than outside forces (like, say, a foreign invasion in the case of a nation’s fall).
We can go on from that to say that the quality of the people depends on whether they have a “good” education or a “bad” one.
I see education as three – pillared: Moral, Intellectual and Physical. A good education should consist of moral training. Students should be taught morality and good sense to enable them live successfully as individual humanbeings and as members of society. It should also include intellectual training not only to impart information but to develop the power of thinking. Thirdly, it should be rounded out with physical education to build healthy bodies.
A good balance of the three is important. But in compulsory education the focus should be on moral training for it is this that makes us human. Moral education, then, is human education. Through moral education, people are equipped with manners befitting human persons and members of society.
Only when intellectual and physical education are built on this “human” foundation are they able to be made full use of. They are simply a minus to society if they are used wrongly – no matter how much knowledge or physical strength a person may have. 

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