Sunday, 3 September 2017

Everybody has something they can make a living out of

It baffles me whenever youths of today say they are jobless. When there are lots of fallowing opportunities around them that they can convert to naira. They often complain that they do not have the needed resources to stand on their feet, most especially capital!
I let them know that what is slowing them down is not what they don't have but what they have and are not using. And everybody has something he can convert into a money spinner over time. It could be a talent, a skill, a knowledge, an idea, a proposal etc. Sometimes it could be the most absurd things like an abandon machine or tool in your compound, used clothes and shoes, kitchen equipment and utensils, computers and television set etc.
Search yourself and discover these things. They are lying fallow and begging you to turn your attention to them. Start an adventure with these things and take a risk on them. Remember, the worst risk in life is you not taking a risk! Don't expect that exploring these things would make you a millionaire overnight. It is a gradual process. Be consistent and don't give up!
For those youths that fancy working for others. Distinguish yourself by adding value to yourself. Enroll for skills acquisition programs, get certified by professional bodies like Microsoft, Cisco, ICAN, NIM etc. Then develop yourself to a level whereby you can provide solutions to specific problems. Before you know it, employers would be looking for you.

The pleasure is my whenever am permitted to share my surface, minute and faint knowledge of ICT with the rest of the world.It also gladdens my heart whenever I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences with others. Become a WIZIAN today! Scroll down to the bottom of this blog, subscribe to our mailing list and get news update from us. Don't forget to leave a comment below after reading this post.       

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