Saturday, 23 September 2017

Exclusive: What is the cause?

Just wondering what is that thing that makes ladies lose their facial and skin beauty once they get married. Is it marital stress? Is it child birth? Or they just stop taking care of themselves? Yes, I know child birth changes her body, but what about her skin complexion? The one that is dark becomes darker and the one that is fair starts becoming dark as soon as she gets married. No lady retains her previous complexion after getting married. Those that are a bit conscious of their appearance can only retain an approximate skin complexion after marriage. I have come across many fair ladies turned black after marriage. Today, no traces that they were ever fair. I mean, what is that thing? It still, baffles me! I think a research should be carried out as to why this is so.
This is the reason why most men go out to have extra marital affair because the ladies they married now looks older and unattractive to them.
To married ladies out there, despite your determination to build a good home as well as taking good care of your husband and children, it should not be done at the expense of your physical appearance. You still need to pay cognizance attention to your physical appearance and look good just for your man only 

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