Monday, 6 November 2017

What a home and house represents

A home has various meanings. First of all, it is a dwelling place in the form of a physical building. Secondly, it is a community where members of a family live together. Theoretically, a family can exist without a house and vice versa. Furthermore, there are homes in which people are happy without having a grand residence while on the other hand there are cases of people leading a cold homelife in gorgeous mansions. In that sense, the problem of housing and that of home can be entirely different. We may even sing about our “home, sweet home,” no matter how small it is. However, I am afraid it is very painful if you have to live in a residence below a certain level of size and convenience. In fact, isn’t it only when the space of a residence is above a certain size that you can have the realization of happiness? A house is, after all, matter, and to be too particular about it may sound materialistic. But the building cannot be slighted as the foundation of an enjoyable homelife. Looking around I feel that no matter how much value we place on the intangible object we call home, we cannot know the meaning of it unless it is accompanied by a tangible object called a house.

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