Thursday, 20 July 2017

Aba can replace China, if developed

In Nigeria, people prefer to patronize second hand products not only because they are cost effective, but because they are more durable than the new products in the market. The new ones are characterized by low quality; substandard and most times counterfeit while second hands are usually from original manufacturers and thus last longer.
This seems to be a Nigerian problem because in other countries it isn’t so. In other countries, new is new and the second hands are incomparable to new ones. This means that something is fundamentally wrong with our importation system in this country. There is no active watch dog as regards importation. So therefore, importers capitalize on this flock the market with substandard products just to make huge profit; turning the country to a dumping ground for all ground for all matters of product.
Consumers are at the receiving end as they have no choice but to patronize what is available in the market which can sometimes be detrimental to their safety and injurious to their health. This menace has become so bad to the extent that marketers even proclaim the counterfeit products as genuine, hence deceiving unsuspecting buyers.
Why on earth would a brand new generator last for just one year? Why would a new phone have poor audio reception? Or why would a new cloth fade out on first wash? Is it not better if patronize made in Nigeria of these products? At least that would help to develop our economy and create jobs for our teaming unemployed youths. Recently, I over head the vice president saying we don’t have any business with China if we can develop Aba. I think that would be a good initiative after all when given a chance to materialize. Really we don’t have any business with China if we can produce generators that would equally last for one year as those imported from china.
This I think is a totful thoughtful!! 

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