Monday 27 November 2017

Focusing on untapped resources in the country

A nation so blessed with different natural resources but choose to put all her eggs in one basket.  Placing her entire weight on just one resource, leaving others untapped, fallowing and completely neglected.
Nigeria’s economy is largely dependent on oil for revenue. The fall of oil price in the international market has had a negative impact on the nation’s economy. The Nigerian economy has since nose dived as it were. The recent deregulation of the petroleum sector by the government has brought about untold hardship on Nigerians. This has made it mandatory for Nigeria as a nation to seek and discover alternative sources of income other than oil.
In this vain, the ministry of solid minerals is working tirelessly to diversify the economy by exploring other natural resources other oil, harnessing them to become good foreign exchange earner for the country. To achieve this, it is partnering with foreign expatriate from Australia and the U.S who have agreed to use their expertise to conduct thorough solid mineral exploration in the country. The ministry is also sensitizing miners at state and local level to obtain appropriate licensing which gives them the freedom to explore and mine solid minerals anywhere in the country. They are advised on the need to obtain both exploration and mining license which qualifies them to operate as miners in the country.
Some solid minerals found in large deposit in the country include Limestone, Coal, Tin, Columbite, Iron ore, Gold, Clay, Lead, Zinc e.t.c
Coal: It is found in large deposit in Enugu. It is the country’s oldest commercial source of fuel. It was used extensively by the Nigerian Railway Corporation to drive their trains. Hence the name Coal city which Enugu is popularly referred to is attributed to its large deposit of coal.
Columbite: It is found in Kano, Kaduna, Bauchi, Kogi, Plateau and Nassarawa states. Columbite ore is used as an alloy of steel to form weldable high speed steel for radio transmitting valves and heat sensitive detective devices.
Clay: It is found in large deposit in Nassarawa state. It is used for making bricks and ceramics. Brick are used in building houses, kilns and furnaces.
Limestone: It can be found in Cross River, Benue, Sokoto, Borno. It is formed as a result of crystallization from seawater or shell fragment accumulation. It is used for making paint, toothpaste, detergents, ceramics, cosmetics, soaps e.t.c. It can also be used in building sculptures and monuments.
Tin: It is found in Jos plateau and can be used to manufacture paint, paper ink e.t.c.
Gold: it is found in large deposit in osun state

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