Monday, 4 June 2018

Wireless security

Wireless security has evolved over time. Originally wireless security started with pre-shared key WEP. WEP is a very weak network and hackers can easily break into its encryption. Pre-shared keys is a system of security where you type in a key on the wireless access point and other users also have to type in that same key in order to gain access to the wireless network. From WEP wireless security evolved to:
Evolution 1: Pre-shared key WPA: The first evolution into pre-shared was the WPA security which was referred to as WPA 1. WPA 1 was like an interim solution that improved on the WEP security. It has a lot more better encryption system called TKIP.
Then Evolution 2: WPA 1 and 802.1x authentication: It was an improvement on WPA 1 security. It uses username and password for encryption.
Finally Evolution 3: WPA 2 802.11i and 802.1x authentication: It became a standard that was widely supported and accepted by all. It uses AES encryption style. To use WPA 2 you must buy the required hardware that enables access to WPA 2 security domain.

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